Monday, September 2, 2013

Skylines & Silhouettes | Worcester, MA + E. Fort Worth, TX

Night Skyline Worcester MA Emmaus City Church Missional Community Acts 29
Worcester, Massachusetts


Massachusetts and Texas do not have a lot in common. In fact, people I have met from each state, when making a comparison of who they are, use the other state as an example of who they are not.

This often happens with people and organizations in America. We're more comfortable in saying what we're not, rather than what we are. Our identities can be formed less by what we are for, but we're ready to say what we are against.

But one thing most people are for  regardless of the state they call home  are beautiful sunsets. We like the view of our cities encapsulated by the heavens in sumptuous and serene glory. We like a God's eye view that pulls back from the grimy details and instead sees it all encased in one last burst of color and light.

Night Skyline East Fort Worth TX The Paradox Church Acts 29
East Fort Worth, Texas

But there can also be imagery as beautiful as a sunset going on in the depths of our city, in the dark crevices most people would rather not go. In the human heart, there are still those who push to engage with our deepest sins and desires and work to pull back the curtain that there is Someone who sees and knows and still comes to save and reconcile.

Human beings, made in the image of God, are the crown of His creation even more so than a sunset. Humans are the only mark of His inspiration that He declared, not that they were "good," but "very good." And when He transforms us and we begin to reflect His intentions of redeeming, restoring, and renewing His creation through how we humbly interact with each other, we form a silhouette of humanity as beautiful as a city skyline at dusk.

Emmaus City Church's prayer is The Paradox Church's action.

So for this post on this Labor Day in 2013, I want to say Emmaus City Church in Worcester is striving to work towards the beautiful motion picture of humanity that The Paradox Church is working towards in East Fort Worth. Their video is worth checking out.
"I have diversity in my neighborhood, in my workplace, in school settings...why can't I have that diversity in my worship?"

So maybe there is one more thing, besides gorgeous sunsets, that Massachusetts and Texas can share in common.

If you would like to read about what Massachusetts and Oregon could share in common, read Skylines and Silhouettes Part 2 | Worcester, MA and Portland, OR.


If your curiosity is piqued, or something inside you is being stirred, feel free to connect.

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