Where We Are

Emmaus City Church in Worcester, MA – We Love Our City.

You are most welcome to join us for our Sabbath gathering on Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 4 p.m. at 30 Tyler Prentice Rd. Contact us for any additional details. Learn more at Emmaus City Church's website jesuslovesworcester.com

Our city, Worcester, MA, is known as the “City of Seven Hills.” Every hill has a distinct flavor of people, buildings, neighborhoods and history. As the second largest city in New England, Worcester is full of people and potential. It has the scale of a small city along with the benefits of big city life. 

Worcester is also known as the heart of New England; it takes one hour or less to drive to any of the five other states in the region. In our city’s beating heart of 200,000+ people, you will find a great diversity of people. In the last 20+ years, the African American population has increased 77%, the Hispanic/Latino 45%, and the Asian 31%. We have a very immigrant-friendly city and we love the beautiful mix of languages, cultures and traditions they bring in order to enhance our community. Our city is home to 10 colleges and universities (and a half-dozen more in neighboring communities), which means that 30,000+ of our people are students. They include College of the Holy Cross, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)Clark University, the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health SciencesAccording to the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce, Worcester has been considered a city on the rise for many years, and it has recently made strides in the areas of healthcare, higher education, medicine, biotechnology and green energy.

However, when we look closely, we can see that each hill needs the kind of life Jesus gives in order for Worcester to begin to taste and see a flourishing city that only God can bring to longing hearts, hurting relationships, and broken systems. Where we need to be growing more is in faithful followers of Jesus who love this city and the people who call Worcester home with the everlasting love and life only He can bring. God sent His Son to live, die, and live again for people in our city, and sends those who follow Jesus to live among those in Worcester with the same kind of sacrificial and death-defying love. We need to be people who follow Jesus' lead in living lives of service wholly committed to Him and for others so more people can see and hear how the gospel of Jesus transforms individuals, households, and communities. 

The desire of Emmaus City Church is to know, share and show Jesus as a church who is of, in, and for our city. We have the opportunity to share His good news with people across many nations and cultures and celebrate together that redemption, reconciliation, and restoration are not only possible, but is happening in the world

If you're curious to learn more, please visit us for a service or meal. We'd love to hear your story and learn more about your hopes for Worcester.

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