Saturday, August 10, 2013

What does a missional community look like?

Emmaus City Church City Groups Worcester MA Acts 29



What is it like to live and breathe love, grace, and service as a means to follow Jesus together? This is what we pray and hope for with Emmaus City Church. In many ways, our Elm Park features characteristics of Renovation's Grant Park. 

"For us, city groups are frontlines for social, cultural, missional, and spiritual engagement..."

Don't we often live life on top of each other, but never really connect? Don't we pass the stranger without desiring to hear his or her story? As our city changes, are we inviting others to join us in shaping Worcester into a city where people want to come and stay, rather than make plans to move out into surrounding towns when they decide to buy a house, or their kids are old enough to attend school?

What would it be like to see people in the melting pot of Worcester loving each other's families fully with humility and joy? What would it look like to live life together in our homes, neighborhoods, and parks for the sake of meeting others across socioeconomic and ethnic boundaries so we can build communities with all the flavors of our unique backgrounds and histories?

Is this possible? Is there something to discover in the story of Jesus  Someone who said people from "every tribe, tongue, and nation" would come together to follow  that He still has incredible power, meaning, and purpose to offer us today when we follow His lead and live in light of His kingdom?

"Jesus (came)...proclaiming the good news of God. 'The time has come,' He said. 'The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news...Come, follow Me'...Amazement gripped the audience, and they began to discuss what had happened. 'What sort of new teaching is this?'"  Mark 1:14b-15, 17, 27


As always, if your curiosity is piqued, or something inside you is being stirred, feel free to connect.

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