
Thursday, September 21, 2023

Listening Day CN | Dawn In the Quiet & the Riot (See the Son)


Camp Sentinel Sunrise w/ WCS students and staff in Tuftonboro, New Hampshire

Dawn In the Quiet and the Riot (See the Son)

Sleeper, awake! Rise from the dead, 
and Christ will shine on you.
+ Ephesians 5:14 (NRSV)

Look to the east.
You hungered for the Light,
and now it is coming.

The first rays are faint,
only a sliver of darkness 
that is not as dark as the rest.
The sun is the Son-Christ, the hope of life,
yesterday, today, forever.
He shakes the earth gently at first,
like one who wakes a sleeper from dreams.

"Wake me, too! I want to see You as You are,
not as I have imagined You to be."

Be careful what you ask, 
for those who ask receive.
All My ways are Love, 
but few of them are easy.
Waking angers the one who has overslept.

Watch the sun rise, 
rousing the beasts and birds,
rousing the trees and sweetgrass,
stirring up all that fly, 
that splash, that crawl, that burrow.
The cities waken, near and far — 
also the pilgrims, the farmers,
the guests to the wedding 
that will come in the evening.
Up stand the soldiers, 
the children, the prisoners.
Up stand the priests and the whores.

All see the Son, 
though they can only squint 
in the light at first.
Hear! He is calling all to walk 
in the manner of God's own,
in the quiet and the riot,
the common and the holy of the listening day.

"Lord, You are invading the world 
through Jesus,
Let my heart be teachable and
ready to grow in Your ways and in Your works,
living out the light You have begun 
to shine in my heart.

+ Paul J. Pastor 

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