
Friday, September 1, 2023

Who Would Hate Emmaus City Church in Worcester, Mass.?

Would Hitler hate what Emmaus City Church is doing? 

Funny question, right? Who cares what Hitler hates? It's not like we want to be associated with anything he likes. Sure, he probably wouldn't like us because we enjoy celebrating all the different kinds of people who represent all the diversity of languages, nations, and ethnicities in our city. He also wasn't a fan of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's life and writings. And we love Bonhoeffer and Life Together

There's also the fact that it's OK to be weak in Emmaus City. Why? Because God's grace is sufficient in weakness. We believe in a God who made Himself a servant even unto death for the sake of men, women, and children from every tribe, tongue, and nation. In Jesus, God's power is made perfect in weakness because His grace, not His force, is sufficient to transform us (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

But according to a video from almost a decade ago that I recently rediscovered, there may be another reason why Hitler would hate Emmaus City GroupsThe title of the video is "Why Hitler Hates Sentralized," made for the Sentralized Conference that occurred back in 2014, but in many ways would still be just as relevant to what we are working to do in 2023. Sentralized was hosted by Forge who our friends with Renaissance in the greater Boston area are connected with, and was started by Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost, two voices (and Aussie voices at that) in Jesus' Church I continue to be thankful I can listen to and learn from. 

Check out the video link. It humorously captures the fun and the seriousness of the calling Jesus has given His Church. Some of my favorite quotes from the video include:

"There will be actual practitioners, not just scribes."

"They share about doing the stuff, not just thinking the stuff."

"The people will get crazy ideas of living out the Kingdom and
opening their homes up!"

"Next up they will think THEY are the church instead of focusing on going to church!"

"They'll become friends of sinners! 
Do you want them to become like Jesus? 
That Shiner Bock drinking, 
barbecue eating glutton that believed 
everyday people could be everyday missionaries?" 

"They will seek the welfare of their cities! 
They will learn to make their communities livable!"

"They will enter the ethos and ethics of the Kingdom of God!"

"They will hear 'can do' stories and will start trying it at home ... here, there, everywhere!"

"Their lives can't be given away, 
they must hold onto comfort, safety, security. 
They'll lose the American Dream!"

"They will get on the same page and be on the road to missional.
Sent for God."

When Jesus' Kingdom Breaks Through, All Hell Breaks Loose

I'd love for all of the above quotes to continue to be associated with Emmaus City Groups. We continue to learn how to give away comfort, safety, and security while embracing how to love enemies, strangers, and friends. We're still grasping to understand the culture of our city and how we can benefit its welfare and the welfare of people who have been ignored or marginalized. And we continue to be sent, not to be served, but to serve. Jesus has given us abundant life to give away. His good news is that people can be redeemed from idolatry, shame, and death, and communities and creation will be renewed.

Walking with Jesus together and becoming more like Him is fun, dangerous, and transformative. 

Want to join us?

After all, Hitler hates all that stuff. :)

Rev. Mike "Sully" Sullivan

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