
Sunday, January 8, 2023

CN | Sheltering Mercy w/ Ps. 29's Living Word during Epiphany


Sheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the Psalms by Ryan W. Smith & Dan Wilt

You speak life into the darkness of the womb; the cruel Winter gives way to Spring. + from Psalm 29 | Living Word Targum in Sheltering Mercy

This past weekend as the season of Epiphany began, Emmaus City Church (ECC) started new a series in the Psalms based on the Lectionary Year A Readings that parts of Jesus' Church around the world are using in 2023. 

The weekend's Psalm was Psalm 29, focused on the power of the Voice of the LORD, roaring and purring like a lion, fierce and faithful, great and gentle. ISheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the PsalmsRyan W. Smith and Dan Wilt have written a targum (i.e. the ancient practice of rewriting sacred text in today's vocabulary) prayer based on Psalm 29. And while this prayer attempts to follow the structure of Psalm 29, this is not a paraphrase or translation; it is a prayerful response. The title they give the targum is "Living Word," a whimsical wink to the local church we rent space from, Living Word Church in Worcester. 

For 2023, phrases that have helped shape my prayers for the year ahead are "Enter the Holy Wild. Pay attention to the Voice in the wilderness. Worship Jesus." My prayer for Emmaus City Church is that our worship would increase in such a way that those who interact with us, whether at a Sabbath gathering, with a City Group meal or mission, at work or at home, would experience God's holy presence in light of how our hearts lean towards worshiping Jesus. We want to rest and risk in light of His holiness (see also "In the Holy Wild with the Lion Who Offers Us the Stream").

Psalm 29 that inspired the targum, "Living Word," captures the beauty and power of paying attention to the Voice of the Lord as we step into the holy wild of the season of Epiphany ahead.

Psalm 29 | Living Word

Living Word, 1
enthroned upon grateful praise, 2
glorified by hosts of Heaven,
seen and unseen –
creation testifies to Your glory:
all made through You and for You, 3
who are before all things,
and in whom all things hold together. 4
I marvel to think that I,
one with unclean lips,
have seen the King. 5

Bless the Father, O my soul –
thundering voice of creation;
Artist of order,
reality upheld by the Word of Your power. 6

Bless the Son, O my soul –
Heaven's ascended Lord.
A bruised reed You did not break,
but with a loud voice You cried,
"It is finished," 7
and the foundations of the earth were shaken;
creation trembled before its King. 8

Bless the Spirit, O my soul –
Wind of God's glory among us;
Tongue of Fire in our midst; 9
Tamer of desolate lands
and wayward hearts.

You speak life into the darkness of the womb;
the cruel Winter gives way to Spring.
You lay waste mountains. 10
Open rivers on bare heights. 11
Your people bow in wonder,
with all the saints,
"Holy, Holy, Holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was
and is
and is to come!" 12

You reign over all:
Regent of Creation.
Guarder of Holy Mysteries.
Sustainer of Cellular Song.

Holy Spirit:
Living Word –
Above me.
Below me.
Around me.
Within me. 13
Strengthen my heart today;
lead me in the path of peace. 14

this line resonates with
of the Irish (Celtic) prayer tradition.

Bonus Listen

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