
Friday, January 13, 2023

Daily Prayers for '23 | Entering the Holy Wild in Worcester

Join together in prayer to enter the Holy Wild with God in 2023

The more I considered Christianity, the more I found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild. 
+ G.K. Chesterton

Sunday Prayer | Worship 

"God, we worship You with fun and rest as we get to trust in the holy and wild abundance of Your love in light of what You have done for us through Jesus – giving us Your mercies that are new every morning and rescuing us from our self-centered disintegration. Set us free to worship you through relaxation and play on this Sabbath day. We wonder with gratitude as we listen to Your voice that says, 'You don't have to prove yourself or perform; be with Me in the holy wild and learn the unforced rhythms of grace, rest, and play as you worship.' You are the good, faithful, and true Lord of the Sabbath we can trust to work all things together for good. We worship You, and we rest in Your love, secure, knowing in You we have our worth, and with You we live our purpose. Amen."

Monday Prayer
 | Identity


"God, remind us that we are Your beloved today, and that the true reality of knowing whose we are and who we are in You is wildly and abundantly freeing. Remind us that we are fully known, fully loved, and fully forgiven because You are faithful and just to do all of the above and more based on Your holy character, promises, and providence. Ignite us to live into our sacred baptismal identity as Your children, Your friends and servants, and Your witnesses. Amen."


Tuesday Prayer | Family

"God, help us love each other as family. Give us Your holy compassion and courage to freely open our lives, our time, and our homes as You reveal what Your abundant hospitality is all about. Pour out Your wild grace into us and overflow it to others through us. May we make new friends and welcome new neighbors to be part of Your family in the days to come. Amen."
Wednesday Prayer | Community
"God, may we get to provide people and places in Worcester with abundant community that's a taste of heaven on earth. We want to be a community of City Groups who multiply Your compassion, comfort, and conviction throughout this city. Equip us and send us to practice Your holy way of life as we befriend and build bridges across neighborhoods, cultures, ethnicities, and communities. May we have the privilege to share and show what the good news of Your Kingdom sounds and looks like as we embrace Jesus' Way and grow into the unity in diversity of a wild and wonderful community that only You can create. Amen." 


Thursday Prayer | Spirit


"God, fill us abundantly with Your wild Holy Spirit in the empty spaces. Where there is disorder and chaos, bring focus and creativity. Where there is darkness and dissipation, bring revelation and form. Grow us in more understanding of the beautiful part we get to play as we participate in the true story You've written as the Alpha and Omega of time and space. Holy Spirit, counsel us with wisdom that is holy and richer than our surface understanding, joy that is wilder and deeper than the temporary happiness we too often settle for, and peace that is bolder than the criticism we face internally and externally. May we be curious and courageous through the overflow of Your love and power that drives out all fear. Amen."


Friday Prayer | Mission

"God, we hold onto the abundant hope that You have called and empowered us to joyfully and peacefully join You in Your missio Dei as You move in every area of life – social, economic, cultural, environmental, relational, and spiritual – to bring redemption and renewal. May we be wild witnesses of Your great salvation. May we bless and benefit our neighbors who call Worcester home. May we participate in the good and holy work You've given us to do together for the love of people, for the life of this world, and for the glory of revealing Jesus as the Savior of all creation. We rejoice that Worcester is our home. May You move in us and through us to reveal the Good News of Jesus in our workplaces, parks, restaurants, shops, universities, and more. Amen." 


Saturday Prayer | Sacrifice   


"God, we know what love is when we encounter Jesus and see how He laid down His life for us. May this abundant and wild love help us walk in step with Your Holy Spirit as we follow in Jesus' footsteps and take up our crosses You invite us to carry for Your glory and for the good of humanity. May we lay our lives down for You and others. And thank You that You are with us during times of emotional, mental, and/or physical suffering that reveal Your love sustains us. Help us to find in You more comfort than a desire to self medicate or escape. And may we join with others in their suffering, sacrificing our comfort as we get to experience You with them, the One in the holy wild who offers us the streams of living water that bring healing and make us whole. Amen."  
The goal of the Christian life isn’t to get over stuff but to grow through it. Jesus’ promise of an abundant life doesn’t just include an abundance of things we enjoy but also an abundance of things that will make us more like Him. + Scotty Smith

To complement these daily themes, there is also the opportunity to pray at 9:38 a.m. or 9:38 p.m. each day for God out of His abundant love and providence to send more people to join with us in being family, friends, and servants, witnesses among Jesus' Church throughout Worcester (see Matthew 9:38).

With wild grace and holy shalom,

Rev. Mike “Sully” Sullivan

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