Sunday, May 12, 2024

Joy and Compassion on Mother's Day in Worcester, Mass

Salt & Gold Collection: The Footwashing Series - Mother Mary #9

"Then Jesus said to the disciple,
“Behold, your mother ... ”
(John 19:27)

When Jesus said this, He was on a cross, suffering through His darkest hour out of love for us and faithfulness to God's promises. But even from that instrument of torture, He looked with care at His mother and made sure she was seen and loved. In the continuing story of Jesus' family with His Church, we get to see the mothers Jesus looks at and cares for: the biological mothers, step mothers, and adopted mothers; the mothers who grieve the loss of children to premature death, abortion, or disease; the single mothers, married mothers, and widowed mothers; the women who have no children in their bloodline, but love God's children in light of Jesus' bloodline with a motherly passion and power. We see you, mothers, and we celebrate you this weekend. Even more so, Jesus sees you and loves you. Happy Mother's Day, dear daughters of God.

Many blessings of peace and presence today,

Rev. Mike “Sully” Sullivan

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