
Saturday, February 25, 2023

CN | The Face of Mercy with Psalm 32 to Begin 40 Days of Lent


Instruments of Mercy + Beautiful Eulogy 10th Anniversary

Like one bent with grief, I twisted and turned, while grace rapped on the door, demanding entry. + from Psalm 32 | The Face of Mercy in Sheltering Mercy

Emmaus City Church (ECC) continues in our series in the Psalms based on the Lectionary Year A Readings that parts of Jesus' Church around the world are using in 2023 during the seasons of Epiphany and Lent, as well as Black History Month (BHM)

This weekend's Psalm is Psalm 32, focused on God's mercy when we are "drawn to sin like moth to flame." ISheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the PsalmsRyan W. Smith and Dan Wilt have written a targum (i.e. the ancient practice of rewriting sacred text in today's vocabulary; see Psalm 29Psalm 40Psalm 27Psalm 15, Psalm 112, and Psalm 99 for other examples). And while this prayer attempts to follow the structure of Psalm 32, this is not a paraphrase or translation; it is a prayerful response. The title they give 32's targum is "The Face of Mercy."

I think Psalm 32 that inspired the targum, "The Face of Mercy," helps us trust the One who said to us in light of our sin, "All that is forgotten now" as we step into the holy wild of the first weekend of this season of Lent. Also, in honor of Beautiful Eulogy's 10th Anniversary of their album, Instruments of Mercy, listen to "Release Me from This Snare (Psalm 32)," which is another targum in light of this powerful Lenten Psalm.

Psalm 32 | The Face of Mercy

it is a good thing to be loved by You;
to receive Your free gift;
to put on Christ.
The record of my sins has been nailed to the cross; 1
utterly forgotten;
cast behind Your back, 2
flung the distance of East to West. 3

But I am forgetful.
I have stumbled and staggered,
drawn to sin like moth to flame   
hands upped round the flickering wick,
that You might not put it out.

I have played with fire,
too enraptured to feel the burn.
Such is sin held in:
it ravages within.
Like one bent with grief,
I twisted and turned,
while grace rapped on the door, 4
demanding entry.
Such was my resistance,
until, unable to bear it,
I opened my heart,
laying it before You:
the full weight of my wandering.
You took my hand,
Your touch a more ravishing flame
than that which ruined me,
and said,
"All that is forgotten now."

If only everyone called by Your name
would behold the face of mercy;
know the depths of grace;
carve a space for silence,
patient for Your presence  
in poverty of spirit
and hopeful expectation.

How quickly I forget
how safe I am with You, Lord  
held by Your hand;
comforted by Your kindness.

Your voice speaks life to me,
calling me to higher things.
Long-suffering Lord,
though I am slow to learn,
teach me.
Though I am quick to sin,
rebuke me  
until I walk with steadier step
and undivided will.

Trouble follows the disobedient;
the ground of the godless is cursed 
thorns and thistles
choking heart and soul. 

As for me,
I find mercy at every turn
hope in the darkest of places.
Your kindness encircles me.
Your joy uplifts me.

May all Your people praise You;
all those brought from death to life,
with one voice
sing the song of Your salvation.

Bonus Listen
Beautiful Eulogy, 2013

I acknowledged my sin to You and I did not cover my iniquity,
There's nowhere to hide from Your all-seeing eyes.
You know everything; I can't tell you a lie.
You know my own own heart much better than I.
You know when I sleep and You know when I rise.
You know all the thoughts that go through my mind,
From morning to night, every moment of pride.
I acknowledged my sin to You and I did not cover my iniquity,
You know what I've done. You know what I do
So I open my mouth and confess it to You,
And You're making me new with Your Spirit at work
To convict me of sin so I know where to turn.
And I know where to run, run to Your arms
To be cleansed of my sin by the blood of Your Son.
I acknowledged my sin; I know I can't kill it with a knife or a gun.
It must be crucified on the cross with Your Son.
Then I can know that it's finished and done,
Then I can know that I'm truly forgiven
And get to the business of living for You.
And it's not for my glory but only for You,
And it speaks of Your mercy, Your love, and Your Truth.
Give me the faith to believe what You say
And to trust in Your Word when I'm tempted to stray,
And to patiently wait for the day You return.
I hate my sin; it burns! 

The old will pass away, while I'm still here You hear my prayer,
"Please, wash my sins away, oh Lord, release me from this snare."

Oh God, my sin is great, there's no escaping it.
I hate my sin but I still partake in it.
I've become numb to the touch from feeling it,
I've learned the art and skill of concealing it.
I might pretend to keep my composure,
Hoping never to disclose the truth that it exposes.
And even though nobody around me knows it,
God, You notice when I'm alone and chose it.
I do a good job doing good deeds,
Look the right part 'cause I say the right things.
Trusting Your Word and what's best for me,
But it seems that I still live in disbelief.
I begin to better understand confession
When I understand the weight of my sin and its effect
And how it's a direct reflection of my selfishness
And recognize Your correct assessment.
I don't have to hide behind my own pride,
Tear myself up from the guilt inside
'Cause I've been given everything I've ever needed
To stand clean and forgiven when I received Jesus.

The old will pass away, while I'm still here You hear my prayer,
"Please, wash my sins away, oh Lord, release me from this snare."

Bonus Prayer
by Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy:
Be gracious to all who have gone astray from Thy ways,
and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith
to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of Thy Word,
Jesus Christ Thy Son; who with Thee and the Holy Spirit
liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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