
Thursday, June 23, 2022

CN | Inisheer Island, Ireland & 1,000+ Years of Faith in Christ


"Saint Brendan and the Iceberg" by Lynn Curlee

"In a place where history and wonder meet, there is an ancient church from the tenth century ... "

I wrote about The Seamless Life by Steven Garber in a recent post. In this beautiful little book, Garber also shares a little about the history of Inisheer Island, Ireland and the faithfulness of people to witness to the story of the Gospel of Jesus for more than 1,000 years. This post captures a little of this special place in Celtic Christian history.

Mere Christianity on Inisheer Island & the Truest Truths of the Universe

"Being on Inisheer Island, Ireland, for a few days reminded me of the deeper, longer truths of life and my life ... 

The locals say that there are ten thousand miles of stone fences on the three Aran Islands; on Inisheer we counted five trees, which gives one pause, realizing that for a very long time people have carved out a life on these barren rocks, creating an agricultural economy from the stone, sand, and seaweed. Throughout the world, the wool from the Aran Island's sheep has made for some of the finest sweaters we know.

In this place where history and wonder meet, there is an ancient church from the tenth century, now sunken into the ground because of one thousand years of blowing sand, calling out to us through the generations, reminding us of the truest truths of the universe. For almost as long as we know, women and men have set their hope on the cross, seeing its reality as the center of life and learning, of labor and love.

Celtic Cross in Front of Sunken Church by Eliza Batz

While the details are hard to know so many years later, it is believed that St. Brendan went out from and returned to Inisheer in the sixth century, as did St. Columba about that same time. Their visionary vocations mattered then and still do centuries later, choosing to step into history not knowing where their adventures would take them, sure that they had been called to love the world in Christ's name.
(For example, in Christ's Church's history, the Celtic Missionary Movement comprised of Saints Patrick, Aiden, Brendan, Columba, Brigid, Winifred, and many more was not only credited with the evangelization of Europe but also of "saving" European civilization through writing and copying sacred texts. + Rich Robinson, "The Genius of the Scene: From Solo Heroics to Collective Intelligence" in Red Skies) 
Inisheer Island — a simple place — is almost forgotten now, but for folk who see themselves as belonging to the deep, long story of the Gospel of the Kingdom, mere Christianity. It matters, its influence echoing across time into eternity.  
For hundreds of years men and women have lived there, with ora et labora (prayer and work) at the heart of their hope, seeing the world for what it is and isn't, and choosing to step into it for love's sake.

Simply said, I have chosen that Story to make sense of my story — and therefore Inisheer Island has meaning for the person I am, for the person I want to be."
+ Steven Garber, "On Mere Christianity" in The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work

Bonus: Creed by Patmos Abbey in Order of St. Columba 


We believe that our lives are held within the all encompassing love of God our Father, who knows our names and recognizes our deepest needs.  
We believe that Christ is the only begotten Son of the living God, and that His grace is like living waters that can never be exhausted.  
We believe in the birthing, renewing, enabling Spirit of God who yearns over our welfare as a mother yearns for her child.  
We believe that God is in the arid desert as well as in green pastures, and that hard times and disciplines are also loving gifts.  
We believe that our journey has a purpose and a destination, and that our path leads to a glory we cannot yet imagine.  
We believe that in Jesus' Church we are fellow pilgrims on the road, and that we are called to love one another as God loves us.  
This is our faith and we are humbled to profess in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. 

May God's Kingdom come, His will be done.
JesΓΊs nuestra Rey, venga Tu reino! 

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