
Friday, June 24, 2022

Prayers for Those Who Approve & Oppose Fall of Roe v Wade

Salt + Gold Collection Artwork featured on Facebook Post from Friday, June 24, 2022

To support both the equality of women and the dignity of the unborn ... May we keep showing up with humility and empathy. May we be faithful amid tension. + Eugene Cho

Jesus be with the babies in Heaven.
Jesus be with the women on earth.

Jesus be with the fathers.
Jesus be with the fathers who didn’t have a say.

Jesus be with the pregnant and anxious girl right now.
Jesus be with the woman who is finally expecting after she was losing hope.

Jesus be with the woman who didn’t choose to share her body.
Jesus be with the woman whose pregnancy puts her own life at risk.

Jesus be with the doctors.
Jesus be with the nurses.
Jesus be with the pharmacists.
Jesus be with the midwives.
Jesus be with the surgeons. 

Jesus be with the women who were raped.
Jesus be with the women who do not have the capacity or ability to raise more children than they already have.

Jesus be with the women forced to carry and give birth to stillborn babies.
Jesus be with the women dying from complications to their pregnancies.

Jesus be with the women who are terrified.
Jesus be with the women who are mourning.

Jesus be with the women whose bodies cannot safely carry a pregnancy.
Jesus be with the women and their babies that suffer and are in pain before they die. 


Jesus be with the women in unsafe domestic situations, for whom the chance of abuse and death increases during pregnancy. 

Jesus give "them" and "us" more of Your compassion and courage, Your humility and hope, as we wake up tomorrow and seek to protect and preserve precious lives like You do in light of the magnitude of today. 

+ Some of the prayers offered by Kia Ora, Jenni Bear, and Courtney Kiplimo above in light of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday, June 24, 2022 followed by a prayer by me tonight:

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. What a day.
If this decision results in more lives conceived in Your image being protected and saved in a future hospital room or home, God help us. 
If this decision results in more lives created in Your image being put in danger and lost in a makeshift surgery room or office, God help us. 
Thank You that each life of a woman, a mother, and a child is precious to You. 
Thank You that You are the God of justice, mercy, and love who is patient and kind, not arrogant, irritable, or resentful, who is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs, and who bears all things and endures all things.
May we be more faithful to mirroring You and Your love in the days to come with those in each situation and on every side as the Spirit conforms us more and more to the image of the Giver of life, the Protector of life, and the Redeemer of life.
I pray all these things with humility and hope because I get to pray in the family name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May God's Kingdom come, His will be done.
JesΓΊs nuestra Rey, venga Tu reino! 

With prayers of presence and peace,

Rev. Mike “Sully” Sullivan

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