
Friday, November 20, 2015

2015 Acts 29 North America Conference | Building Healthy Leaders by Creating a Leadership Culture for Leaders that Last

Acts 29 North America Conference 2015 | Building Healthy Leaders

Pastor Reid Monaghan, Pastor Bryan Laughlin, Pastor Bland Mason

All of the 2015 North America Main Session Videos are available now for viewing. And here are the previous notes posts from the 2015 Acts 29 North America Conference: 

2015 Acts 29 North America Conference | Worship Sets Songs and Lyrics

2015 Acts 29 North America Conference | Building Healthy Leaders by Being an Engaged Leader and Cultivating a Culture of Rest and Renewal

Create a Leadership Culture that Cares for Pastors | Elders 

with Pastor Reid Monaghan 

Pastor Reid Monaghan

Jacob's Well Church

Camden, NJ

1 Peter 5:1-5

(1) Love among the sheep, with the Chief Shepherd, to find elders.
Don't appoint elders too quickly.
Once appointed, teach and train about your own needs, temptations, discouragements (ex. each elder should have an idea or two about how the devil will try to take each other out and seek to protect agains that).
When you meet at least once per month, talk about your heart situations as well as the church situations, and be regular with both.
Be clearer than you think you need to be.

(2) Love those whom God has given you.
Participate together in regularly scheduled times of prayer.
Don't just be a team of elders, be fathers, husbands, sons, etc.
Have staff time (laptops open) and prayer time (laptops closed).

Watch for busy-ness of soul, lust in the heart, difficulties in marriage, distance from children. There's a difference between working hard and having a busy soul. Busy hearts and minds make busy souls that are sure to burnout.

(3) Don't withhold love, appreciation, and honor.
Care has legs, care has teeth, and care means open hands.

Recommended: Elders, Care for Your Pastor by Dave Harvey

Make God your strength and your portion forever (Psalm 73:26).

Develop Healthy Leaders that Last with Pastor Bryan Laughlin

Pastor Bryan Laughlin

Remnant Church

Richmond, VA

2 Timothy 4:6-8

(1) Get a God-sized vision to develop leaders that last.
Ask "What time is it?" according to God's time.
Our timeline is often way too short.
We need to mature from church planters into pastors.
We need to mature from church plants into churches.
There are fun moments, but life is not defined by fun.
Don't shoe-horn in God into your plan. 
Be shaped by what He is doing.

Many attempts to develop leaders fall short. But God's maturation process for the Kingdom is long. You can't microwave leaders. Jesus forged leaders by example. You can't lead unless you know how to follow Him. Others will learn how to lead by following you following Him.

(2) Look for God-called leaders to develop leaders who last.
From beginning to end, God calls leaders to trust and obey.
Jesus passed by many. Those He chose He called and they followed.

God gives the desire and the aspiration. Look for God to move in others. You can't spark the flame in someone else.
Do they love the Savior for the Savior's sake?
Do they have the aroma of Jesus?
Are they personable? Do people follow their lead?
Are they servants first? Are they willing to be last?
We train the called who "count others more significant than themselves" (Philippians 2:3-4).

(3) Train God-fearing leaders to develop leaders that last.
The community of His Church is the primary means God uses to train up leaders.
The soil of harvesting leaders is in a discipling church.
Look for doers of the Word and not only hearers (James 1:22).
You want people who listen, repent, and are transformed.
You want those whose talk adds up into their walk.

Be Present with Those God Has Called You to Love and Beware of the Enemy 

with Pastor Bland Mason

Pastor Bland Mason

City on a Hill Church

Boston, MA

2 Samuel 12:1-14

What does it profit a man to have his church "blowing up" is his family is blowing up?

When David faced opposition, he walked by faith and humility, and God raised him up to be the king he could be. But in the midst of success, he took his eyes off God and he fell into sin. The man who wrote songs about God's Word later "despised the Word of the Lord, to do what is evil in His sight" (2 Samuel 12:9).

When the Lord gives you favor, realize that Satan is patient. He will "allow" success for you and then use it to create a bigger fall later if you let him help you take your eyes off the Giver of life and begin to despise His life-giving Word.

We need to wonder what was going on inside David that caused him to change from being patient to active for all the wrong reasons. David's personal and systemic sin impacted his family and legacy.

The World = Ingredients
Individualized Pride = Mixing Bowl
Fleshly Desires = Mixer

(1) Be more leery of the enemy within than the enemy without.
(2) Let a prophet (like Nathan) into your life before God has to bring one.
(3) The Church has a husband. So does your wife. Be faithful.
(4) Be holy at home and wholly at home.
(5) Your example in ministry matters as much as your words. Keep a close watch on your life and your doctrine (1 Timothy 4:16).

"O God, I feel You're crushing me, but I'm glad it's You" (John Calvin). Even in hardship, rejoice in God's presence so that you won't be absent in recognizing His work to protect you, challenge you, and change you.

– Sully

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