
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gospel Series Cont. | Matthew 9:18-26: Jesus' Resurrecting Power to Say, "Mija Se Levanta" + Saturday, September 14

The Calling of St. Matthew + Caravaggio, 1600 A.D.

"Well in that great getting up morning, Lord, in that great getting up morning … Oh to wake the children sleepin’, fare you well, fare you well ... " + Mahalia Jackson, "Great Getting Up Morning

Sermon Audio
 | Jesus' Resurrecting Power to Say, "Mija Se Levanta"

Sermon Scriptures | Matthew 9:18-26

The bleeding woman's suffering did not keep her from one last hope, one last pursuit of healing! … I imagine her pushing through thoughts of, "What am I doing here? I don't belong here. I'm touching everybody. I'm making everyone unclean around me. But Jesus! Jesus is here. If I only touch his cloak, just a touch!" … Maybe she didn't think she was worthy of approaching Jesus "cara a cara," face to face. Maybe years of being treated as a nobody made her think she was a nobody. But Jesus wants her to be seen and heard. Jesus helped her to see the truth of who she really was. Jesus had a deeper plan of healing. Jesus, in all three synoptic Gospels, responds to her by naming her "mija," my daughter. He wanted to ensure that her healing would be both physical and social, both systemic and personal. By calling her daughter, Jesus welcomed her into the family community He was forming. Constant separation from connection with God and others was over for Mija! …. The bleeding woman told her story and retold her story, finally recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke's Gospels. + Noemi Vega QuiƱones, Hermanas

Call to Worship | Isaiah 60:1-2

1 Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD shines over you.
2 For look, darkness will cover the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the LORD will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.

Arise, My Soul, Arise
Charles Wesley, 1742 A.D.

Arise, my soul, arise,
Shake off your guilty fears;
The bleeding sacrifice
On my behalf appears;
Before the throne my Surety stands,
Before the throne my Surety stands,
My name is written on His hands!

Arise (arise), arise (arise), arise
Arise, my soul, arise! (2x) ...
Shake off your guilty fears and rise!

He ever lives above
For me to intercede;
His all redeeming love,
His precious blood, to plead;
His blood atoned for every race,
His blood atoned for every race,
And sprinkles now the throne of grace!

The Father hears Him pray,
His dear anointed One;
He cannot turn away
The presence of His Son;
The Spirit answers to the blood,
The Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God. (Chorus)

Your Spirit
Tasha Cobbs Leonard, 2017 A.D.

Not by might, not by power,
By Your Spirit, God,
Send Your Spirit, God. (Repeat)

You are the fire, we are the temple.
Your are the voice, we are Your song.
You are our God, we are Your people.
You are the light, we stand in awe ...

We stand in awe of You,
We stand in awe of You! (Chorus)

You called us out, out of the darkness
Into Your love, into Your light.
Grace upon grace, beauty for ashes,
You come to us, we come alive.

We stand in awe of You,
We stand in awe of You! (Chorus 2x)

Breathe, come and breathe on us!
Spirit breathe, come and breathe on us!

The Kingdom Is Yours
Common Hymnal, 2017 A.D.

Blessed are the ones who do not bury
All the broken pieces of their heart.
Blessed are the tears of all the weary
Pouring like a sky of falling stars.

Blessed are the wounded ones in mourning,
Brave enough to show the Lord their scars.
Blessed are the hurts that are not hidden,
Open to the healing touch of God.

The Kingdom is yours, the Kingdom is yours,
Hold on a little more, this is not the end.
Hope is in the Lord, keep your eyes on Him.

Blessed are the ones who walk in kindness
Even in the face of great abuse.
Blessed are the deeds that go unnoticed,
Serving with unguarded gratitude.

Blessed are the ones who fight for justice,
Longing for the coming day of peace.
Blessed is the soul that thirsts for righteousness,
Welcoming the last, the lost, the least. (Chorus)

Blessed are the ones who suffer violence
And still have strength to love their enemies.
Blessed is the faith of those who persevere.
Though they fall, they'll never know defeat.

Elevation Worship, 2016 A.D.

The head that once was crowned with thorns
Is crowned with glory now.
The Savior knelt to wash our feet
Now at His feet we bow.
The One who wore our sin and shame
Now robed in majesty.
The radiance of perfect Love
Now shines for all to see.

Your name, Your name is victory!
All praise will rise to Christ our King! (Repeat)

The fear that held us now gives way
To Him who is our peace.
His final breath upon the cross
Is now alive in me. (Chorus + Bridge)

By Your Spirit I will rise from the ashes of defeat,
The resurrected King is resurrecting me!
In Your name I come alive to declare Your victory,
The resurrected King is resurrecting me! (3x)

The tomb where soldiers watched in vain
Was borrowed for three days.
His body there would not remain,
Our God has robbed the grave.
Our God has robbed the grave! (Chorus + Bridge)

Death Was Arrested
NP InsideOut, 2017 A.D.

Alone in my sorrow and dead in my sin,
Lost without hope with no place to begin.
Your love made a way to let mercy come in
When death was arrested and my life began.

Ash was redeemed, only beauty remains.
My orphan heart was given a name.
My mourning grew quiet, my feet rose to dance
When death was arrested and my life began!

Oh, Your grace so free washes over me,
You have made me new, now life begins with You!
It's Your endless love pouring down on us
You have made us new, now life begins with You!

Released from my chains, I'm a prisoner no more.
My shame was a ransom He faithfully bore.
He cancelled my debt and He called me His friend
When death was arrested and my life began! (Chorus)

Our Savior displayed on a criminal's cross.
Darkness rejoiced as though heaven had lost.
But then Jesus arose with our freedom in hand;
That's when death was arrested and my life began! (Chorus)

Oh, we're free, free, forever we're free!
Come join the song of all the redeemed!
Yes, we're free, free, forever, amen,
When death was arrested and my life began!
(Repeat Bridge)

Prayers of Confession and Assurance

One: Jesus, we are unable to rise without You.
Send Your Spirit, God. Come to us. Bring us to life.
All: Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Congregational Prayers

One: And now we pray together, Jesus, as You taught us to pray ...
All: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be doneon earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil for Thine is the
Kingdom and the power and the glory
now and forever. Amen.

Pass the Peace | In the Story of God, Jesus declared, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you" (John 14:26) during humanity's darkest, most tragic weekend of His death. And then after Jesus was crucified and resurrected, defeating evil and death, He said, "Peace be with you ... Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:21-22). Somehow, with Jesus, peace is possible even in our darkest moments. During this time, we desire to share with each other peace that passes understanding, empowered by the Spirit of Christ.

The peace of the Lord by always with you.
And also with you.

Prayers of Preparation for Eucharist
Matthew 26:26-291 Corinthians 11:23-26

Prayer Asking for Jesus' Help
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
I want to see. Please reveal to me who You are.
Give me ears to hear You, and understanding for
the Good News You are saying to me today. Amen.

Prayer for Communion with Jesus and Each Other
Jesus, by Your Spirit, fill us with Yourself,
the true Bread and Vine. We turn to You now to
unite us, strengthen us, and empower us
to be Your Kingdom family of servants and witnesses
together until You return and make all things new. Amen. 

Eucharist | Thanking God for Communion with Christ and His Church

Our World Belongs to God Q&A 56
2008 A.D.

Q. How and why do we hope in Jesus' resurrection?
A. We long for that day when our bodies are raised,
the Lord wipes away our tears,
and we dwell forever in the presence of God.
We will take our place in the new creation,
where there will be no more death
or mourning or crying or pain,
and the Lord will be our Light.
Come, Lord Jesus, come.

Benediction Based on "The Kingdom Is Yours"
by Common Hymnal (Matthew 5:3-12)

Blessed are the wounded ones in mourning, brave enough
to show the Lord their scars. Blessed are the hurts that
are not hidden, open to the healing touch of God.
Blessed are the ones who fight for justice, longing for the
coming day of peace. Blessed is the soul that thirsts for
righteousness, welcoming the last, the lost, the least.
Blessed are the ones who suffer violence and still have
strength to love their enemies. Blessed is the faith of those
who persevere; though they fall, they'll never know defeat.
The Kingdom is yours, hold on a little more, this is not the end.
Hope is in the Lord; keep Your eyes on Him. You are loved.
Now go with the Prince of Peace to declare and demonstrate
Jesus' Good News of the Kingdom of heaven that is near.

Emmaus City Church is a local church made up of City Groups.

City Group (CG) is a group of 10-30 people – children, women, and men included – who are befriending, serving, and loving a community together in Jesus' name in Worcester. CGs are small enough that people can know you and value you, but large enough to make an impact in communities throughout Worcester. Each CG gets together throughout a month (i.e. dinners, times of prayer or learning from the Story of God in the Bible, acts of service, parties, etc.) to see Worcester become a city of neighbors and friends that showcase Jesus' love and compassion to all. Those who are cautious or curious to hear and see what it means to follow Jesus are just as welcome as those who believe Jesus is Lord and God and seek to follow Him in every area of life.

Current City Groups: Lincoln Street City Group | W.R.A.P. City Group

To connect with one of the City Groups above, please contact

Christ is all,

Rev. Mike "Sully" Sullivan

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