
Monday, January 28, 2019

Epiphany '19 Series | Wait, Watch, and Behold the Beauty + Saturday, January 26

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption. God has made everything beautiful in its time. Your eyes will behold the king in his beauty; they will see a land that stretches afar. + Psalm 130:5-7; Ecclesiastes 3:11a; Isaiah 33:17 

Sermon Audio | Epiphany: Wait, Watch, and Behold the Beauty

Sermon Scriptures | Acts 14:8-23

Sermon Quotes | 

“Dear Jesus, Your way is a narrow way. And every shortcut I attempt adds miles to my journey as I seek to follow You.” God brings people into deep waters not to drown them, but to cleanse them. The word for “follow” used most often in the Gospels is akoloutheo (ak-ol-oo-theh-o), which comes from the words for “union” and “road.” Akoloutheo is a word describing someone who joins themselves heart, soul, mind, and strength as a disciple to a leader or guide. It describes purposeful movement and intimate relationship. Who we are meant to be is only revealed as we follow. By freely giving up our autonomy and control, we become, in effect, instruments to realize the will of God in this world. + 
Michelle Van Loon, Born to Wander 

Our role in someone’s life is to help them respond to the overtures of God. The Scriptures are rife with examples of this (ex. Samuel, the Magi, Cornelius). Think of someone in your life who is not a follower of Jesus yet. Call this person and treat them to a favorite meal. Ask, “Was there a time when you think you might have felt the presence of God?” I am amazed at the responses I have received. + 
Robert Gelinas, Finding the Groove

Hans Urs von Balthasar says anything beautiful first arrests you – you’re stopped in your tracks by it. Then the beautiful elects you. You’ve been chosen. Finally, the beautiful always sends you. You’re sent on a mission. Ugliness is often easier to see, so the task of the evangelist is to lift up the beauty so that it’s clear why we would give our lives trying to put up with or eliminate ugliness in service of something much greater and more compelling. + 
Fr. Robert Barron, To Light a Fire on the Earth

Break me free to live enchanted, enchanted, beyond control. + 
Kings Kaleidoscope, "Enchanted"

Father Let Your Kingdom Come
Porter's Gate Worship Project, 2017 A.D.

Hallelu! Hallelujah!
Father, let Your Kingdom come!

May the works of my hands
Bring You joy. (x4 + Chorus)

May the words from my mouth
Speak Your peace. (x4 + Chorus)

You make all things new,
You make all things new
In places we don't choose;
You make all things new! (Chorus)

Spirit Break Out
Kim Walker Smith, 2015 A.D.

Our Father, all of Heaven roars Your name
Sing louder, let this place erupt with praise
Can you hear it?
The sound of Heaven touching earth,
The sound of Heaven touching earth!

Spirit break out, break our walls down!
Spirit break out, Heaven come down!

King Jesus, You're the name we're lifting high,
Your glory, shaking up the earth and sky.
Revival, we want to see Your Kingdom here;
We want to see Your Kingdom here!

All the Poor and Powerless
All Sons and Daughters, 2011 A.D.

All the poor and powerless,
And all the lost and lonely.
All the thieves will come confess,
And know that You are holy.
And know that You are holy.

And all will sing out, "Hallelujah!"
And we will cry out, "Hallelujah!""

All the hearts who are content,
And all who feel unworthy.
And all who hurt with nothing left
Will know that You are holy. (Chorus)

Shout it, go on and scream it from the mountains,
Go on and tell it to the masses, that He is God! (Chorus)

Fill Me Up | Yes Lord Yes Gospel Medley
T. Cobbs & S. Caesar, 2015 & 2007 A.D.

You provide the fire, I'll provide the sacrifice.
You provide the Spirit, I will open up inside.

Fill me up, God (x3) ...
Fill me up.

Love of God, overflow.
Permeate all my soul.

Fill me up until I overflow!
I want to run over, I want to run over!

I’ll say yes, Lord, yes
To Your will and to Your way!
I’ll say yes, Lord, yes
I will trust You and obey!
When Your Spirit speaks to me
With my whole heart I’ll agree,
And my answer will be
Yes Lord, yes!

How Great Is Our God
C. Tomlin, E. Cash, J. Reeves, 2003 A.D.

The splendor of a king clothed in majesty,
Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice.
He wraps Himself in light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice.

How great is our God!
Sing with me, "How great is our God!"
And all will see how great, how great is our God.

Age to age He stands and time is in His hands,
Beginning and the end, beginning and the end.
The Godhead Three in One: Father, Spirit and Son;
The Lion and the Lamb, the Lion and the Lamb!

Name above all names, worthy of all praise,
My heart will sing, "How great is our God!"

Corporate Prayer of Confession and Assurance
Is. 6:5-8Dan. 9:4-19Neh. 1:5-10Lk. 23:34

Call: Holy Spirit, anoint us. Renew our minds and
transform our lives to be a witness of Jesus' love and sacrifice.
Go before us and convince our neighbors of sin and grace.

Response: Spirit, give us faith and give us Your gifts.
May we prophecy, serve, and teach in Jesus' name
for the good of all and the salvation of many.

Silent Prayer with the Holy Spirit

Call: Spirit, stand by us in our need and make our obedience
fresh and vibrant as we pray what Jesus taught us to pray:

Response: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory now and forever. Amen.

Prayers of Preparation for Eucharist
Matthew 26:26-291 Corinthians 11:23-26

Prayer seeking more from Jesus
Jesus, You claim to be the Way,
the Truth and the Life.
If what You claim is true,
please reveal to me who You are.
Give me an understanding of You
that is clear and convincing. Amen.

Prayer for Communion with Jesus
Jesus, grant that we may be filled
by You, the true Bread and Vine.
Be present with us, strengthen us,
and empower us to be Your witnesses
together as we seek first Your Kingdom
until You return and make all things new. Amen.

Eucharist | Thanking God for Communion with Christ and His Church

Benediction from Revelation 21:5-6

Behold, I make all things new. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to whoever thirsts. + Jesus 

Emmaus City Church is a local church made up of City Groups.

City Group (CG) is a group of 10-30 people – children, women, and men included – who are befriending, serving, and loving a community together in Jesus' name in Worcester. CGs are small enough that people can know you and value you, but large enough to make an impact in communities throughout Worcester. Each CG gets together throughout a month (i.e. dinners, times of prayer or learning from the Story of God in the Bible, acts of service, parties, etc.) to see Worcester become a city of neighbors and friends that showcase Jesus' love and compassion to all. Those who are cautious or curious to hear and see what it means to follow Jesus are just as welcome as those who believe Jesus is Lord and God and seek to follow Him in every area of life.

Current City Groups: Lincoln Street City Group | W.R.A.P. City Group

To connect with one of the City Groups above, please contact

Next post: Ecclesiastes 1:-11 | Is It All So Vain? 

Christ is all,

Rev. Mike "Sully" Sullivan

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