
Friday, August 24, 2018

God is Healer Sermon Video and Liturgy w/ Genesis Church + Sunday, August 19

God moves to bring healing to you in the midst of your weakness, waywardness, and bitterness. And God makes His final move in Jesus to ultimately heal you (from God is Healer sermon video). 

"Jesus became weak so you will become strong. Jesus drank the bitter cup of your disease and judgment on the cross so you can drink of His abundant life. Jesus will ultimately heal every one of your diseases and illnesses and give you a body like His that is everlasting." + Rev. Mike Sullivan, "God is Healer"

Questions as You Consider Jesus

Are you curious? Consider asking someone a question or two about Jesus and Christian spirituality even if you don't believe.

Are you open? Consider your emotional and spiritual needs, and step into asking if Jesus can meet them and help you.

Are you searching? Consider exploring more about Jesus even if you are not sure who He is; example: "If I could ask Jesus one honest question that would help me trust Him, what would I ask?"

Are you beginning to believe? Consider how your life would be transformed if you followed Jesus. Ask God to help you understand the Good News that through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, He is restoring everything sin has ruined in your life and in the world.

"God is Healer" Sermon Scriptures | Psalm 6:2-4Jeremiah 3:21-22Exodus 15:22-26Matthew 4:231 Peter 2:242 Corinthians 4:14-5:1

(Julie begins singing "I Shall Not Want" at 30:38 minute in video)

Audrey Assad, 2013 A.D.

From the love of my own comfort,
From the fear of having nothing,
From a life of worldly passions,
Deliver me, O God.

From the need to be understood,
And from a need to be accepted,
From the fear of being lonely,
Deliver me, O God.
Deliver me, O God.

And I shall not want, no, I shall not want.
When I taste Your goodness, I shall not want.
When I taste Your goodness, I shall not want.

From the fear of serving others,
Oh, and from the fear of death or trial,
And from the fear of humility,
Deliver me O God,
Yes, deliver me O God.

The Lion and the Lamb
Big Daddy Weave, 2015 A.D.

He's coming on the clouds,
Kings and kingdoms will bow down.
Every chain will break
As broken hearts declare His praise.
For who can stop the Lord Almighty?

Our God is the Lion, the Lion of Judah,
He's roaring with power and fighting our battles,
And every knee will bow before Him.
Our God is the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world, His blood breaks the chains,
And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb,
Every knee will bow before Him.

Open up the gates,
Make way before the King of kings.
The God who comes to save
Is here to set the captives free
For who can stop the Lord Almighty?

For who can stop the Lord Almighty?
Who can stop the Lord Almighty? ...
Who can stop the Lord?!

Kari Jobe, 2009 A.D.

You hold my very moment,
You calm my raging seas.
You walk with me through fire,
And heal all my disease.
I trust in You, I trust in You.

I believe You're my healer.
I believe You are all I need.
And I believe You're my portion,
I believe You're more than enough for me.
Jesus, You're all I need.

You hold my very moment.
You calm my raging seas.
You walk with me through fire,
And heal all my disease.
I trust in You, Lord, I trust in You.

Nothing is impossible for You,
Nothing is impossible.
Nothing is impossible for You.
You hold my world in Your hands.

Jesus Culture, 2016 A.D.

The One who made the blind to see
Is moving here in front of me, 
Moving here in front of me.
The One who made the deaf to hear
Is silencing my every fear, 
Silencing my every fear.

I believe in You, I believe in You,
You're the God of miracles!

The One who does impossible is,
Reaching out to make me whole,
Reaching out to make me whole.
The One who put death in its place,
His life is flowing through my veins,
His life is flowing through my veins.

The God who was and is to come,
The power of the Risen One,
The God who brings the dead to life,
You're the God of miracles!

Eucharist | Thanking God for Communion with Christ and His Church

Prayers of Preparation for Eucharist
Matthew 26:26-291 Corinthians 11:23-26

Prayer seeking more from Jesus
Jesus, You claim to be the Way,
the Truth and the Life.
If what You claim is true,
please reveal to me who You are.
Give me an understanding of You
that is clear and convincing. Amen.

Prayer for Communion with Jesus
Jesus, grant that we may be filled
by You, the true Bread and Vine.
Be present with us, strengthen us,
and empower us to be Your witnesses
together as we seek first Your Kingdom
until You return and make all things new. Amen.

Christ is all,

Rev. Mike "Sully" Sullivan

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