
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Advent Reminder | God Offers Great Joy in Our Darkest Hours

I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. + Luke 2:10

Life even at its most monotonous and backbreaking and heartnumbing has the Kingdom buried in it the way a field has treasure buried in it, Jesus said. 

Joy is a mystery because it can happen anywhere, anytime, even under the most unpromising circumstances, even in the midst of suffering, with tears in its eyes. 

+ Frederick Buechner

Secrets in the Dark

Good News of Great Joy 
is World-Restoring Redemption

Struggling and rejoicing are not two chronological steps, one following the other, but two concurrent movements, one fluid with the other. As the cold can move you deeper toward the fire, struggling can move you deeper toward God, who warms you with joy. 
+ Ann Voskamp 
The Greatest Gift

Good News of Great Joy 
is History-Altering Resistance

Joy is an act of resistance against all the forces of despair: violence, war, debt, death ... all of the things that can cause us to think life in this world is not worth living. 
Cultivating joy is an act of resistance to any person, event, or system that would have us believe that death has the final word on our lives. 
+ Willie James Jennings

Good News of Great Joy 
is Personally-Transforming Resurrection

Did you know joy can be chosen? 
The feeling is but the branches of a thing 
whose roots lie deep within your being. 
You can choose to celebrate life itself, 
regardless of circumstances. 
You can know Jesus' joy. 
+ Paul J. Pastor 
The Listening Day

O Lord! 
Make that possible to me by grace, 
which I find impossible by nature. 

+ Thomas a Kempis

Austin Stone Worship, 2013 A.D.

Oh the beauty and the loss
Of the cradle and the cross,
The Son of God so humbly sent for us.
Into darkness came the light, 
Faith of fathers became sight
When the Christ arrived 
To save the fold of God.

Humanity embraced, 
He left a perfect place,
The prize of God in lowly manger lay.

Angels shout with joyous song, 
Saints and sinners sing along
In the highest place, "Glory, Gloria!"

Immanuel, God with us!
The Lamb of God slain for us!
Finally, our hope’s secured
By the beauty of the cradle and the cross.

The Creator of the stars 
Then in flesh received the scars
On the cross He paid the debt of sinners earned.
And even death could not Him hold, 
Peace on earth we see unfold
As the risen Christ ascends in victory!

Stars and angels sing around You, "Gloria!"
Hearts unfold like flowers before You, "Gloria!"
Joyful, joyful, we adore You, "Gloria!"


May the God of hope fill you with all joy 
and peace as you trust in Him 
so that you may overflow with hope 
by the power of the Holy Spirit. 
+ Romans 15:13

Soli Jesu gloria.

+ Sully

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