
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why Emmaus City Church Is Part of the CRC, A29, and Soma

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-Ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Enjoying Being Part of Jesus' Church
w/ Christian Reformed Church (CRC),
Acts 29 (A29) & Soma

I've been inspired with the idea for this post due to people within Emmaus City and those around Worcester asking questions like, "What is the CRC, Acts 29, and/or Soma?", "How did you become an ordained pastor and decide to help form a new congregation?", and "It seems like Emmaus City has a lot of affiliations; why?" 

All great questions, and because people have asked them, I've been able to get some practice honing the answers, particularly in a predominantly Roman Catholic and nonreligious region where people have solid critiques of Protestant Christians. My answers provided in this post will attempt to provide an introduction. 

For details answers featuring 
summaries, videos, and values:

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connects us to
a nearly 500-year-old denomination
(and some key theologians and missionaries
in Jesus' Church history like
Herman BavinckAbraham Kuyper,
Johanna Veenstra, and Samuel Zwemer)
and to Jesus' faithfulness
to build His Church
throughout the generations
Matthew 16:16-19; Ephesians 4:11-16).
CRC Videos: 
Joining God in the Neighborhood  
Let It Shine  
CRC Values
Gospel Proclamation & Worship
Believing that faith comes through the hearing of God's Word, we proclaim the saving message of Jesus Christ and seek to worship Him in all that we do. 
Faith Formation 
As a community of believers, we seek to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to nurture their faith through all ages and stages of life.
Servant Leadership 
Understanding that the lifelong equipping of leaders is essential for churches and ministries to flourish, we identify, recruit and train leaders to be servants in the Kingdom of God. 
Global Mission 
Called to be witnesses of Christ's Kingdom to the ends of the earth, we start and strengthen local churches in North America and around the world.
Mercy and Justice 
Hearing the cries of the oppressed, forsaken and disadvantaged, we seek to act justly and love mercy as we walk humbly with our God. 
Sample Books by CRC Fam 

Some Key CRC Organizations  
We bring the Gospel to people, neighborhoods, communities, churches and the world to embolden them in participating in God’s mission and faithfully proclaiming and living out the good news of Jesus. We do this through Regions, Initiativesand Starting Churches
World Renew 
Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice and mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation. World Renew's worldwide ministry is three-fold:  
1) Community Development 
2) Disaster Response & Rehabilitation 
3) Peace and Justice

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inspires us as a
diverse and trans-denominational
global network that is focused
on equipping us to be a local church
that plants other churches
regionally, nationally, and globally
(Acts 1:8; 9:31).
Acts 29 Videos
Acts 29 Vision 
Acts 29 Global ACTION Video
Epiphany Philadelphia & Camden  
Church Planting in Turkey  
Acts 29 Values
Church-Planting Churches 
Our focus is not simply on our own congregations, but on the work of God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making His name famous to the ends of the earth; in the DNA of all Acts 29 churches should be a deep and driving desire to see churches planted across the world, all of which are defined by theological clarity, cultural engagement, and missional innovation.
Holiness & Humility 
Our desire is that our family of churches will be comprised of godly, sacrificial and mature people who would gladly lay down any and all of their liberties if it would serve the cause of Christ in greater ways, who don't seek conflict but also aren't afraid of it, and who treasure Christ and His Gospel above all.
A Diverse & Global Community 
We want to press into and learn from those who differ from us in practice, philosophy and culture, especially those from different parts of the world; our desire is to find the Spirit of God working among us so much so that we see more of His glory in and through a bold ethnic harmony that reveals God’s infinite worth and the power of the Gospel in a visual and captivating way.
Praying for Conversions Thru Evangelism 
We desire churches filled with those who believe in the sufficiency of the Scriptures and in the power of the Spirit to break the hearts of the most hardened of people in their cities; we desire churches filled with people who see their relationships with neighbors, co-workers and friends as opportunities to love supremely by praying for and sharing the best news in the universe with them; and we desire churches filled with men and women who love the saving work of God so much that it would lead them to the ends of the earth, proclaiming and living out the Gospel until all will know. 
Sample Books by A29 Fam 
by Stephen Witmer

Key Acts 29 Initiative Ex.: 
Rural Collective
To plant new congregations in "rural" communities, commonly seen as isolated, small, and forgotten places

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equips us to be disciples of Jesus
who make disciples of Jesus
in the everyday stuff of life
Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 6:7, 14:21-23). 
Soma Videos 
What Does MC Life Look Like? 
Dope Church 
Big House Beans

Soma Fuchu 

Soma Values  
Gospel Saturation 
We want to see Gospel saturation so that every adult and child has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed; it is the truth of the Gospel that enables us to genuinely and joyfully do what is pleasing to God and to grow in progressive conformity to the image of Christ. 
Missional Community 
We believe a Gospel community on mission is the primary structure for making disciples of Jesus who increasingly submit to Him in all of life (worship), are being changed by Him (new identity), and obey Him and teach others to do the same (multiplication); if the mission of making disciples is the process of bringing all of life under the lordship and empowering presence of Jesus Christ, then we create environments where life on life, life in community, and life on mission can occur. 
Always Reforming 
We are a Gospel-centered, theologically-formed family of churches who are always in need of reforming as the Word, the Spirit, and the Church (contemporary and historical) continue to shape us towards greater faithfulness and fruitfulness.
Sample Books by Soma Fam
Being Disciples of Jesus
in the Everyday Stuff of Life

by Jeff Vanderstelt

Called Together:
A Guide to Forming Missional Communities

by J.K. Dodson & Brad Watson
by Brad Watson and Heidi Wygle

Key Soma Equipping Resources
Soma School 
A missional ecclesiology immersion which exists to see servant leaders thoroughly gripped by the gospel, orientated toward saturating cities with the presence and power of Jesus. 
A ministry of the Soma Family of Churches that exists to resource disciples, congregations, and community leaders throughout the world in a gospel-centered, missional ecclesiology through equipping, coaching, consulting, and resourcing. 

In light of all of the above,
Emmaus City Church believes that:
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
is cosmic, communal, and personal.

As Abraham Kuyper, a theologian in the CRC tradition, once said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine.” (Acts 29 and Soma both love this quote, too.) 

This means there is not one aspect of the human experience that the Gospel, or Good News of Jesus' reign of grace, truth, mercy and justice does not impact, and so we seek to apply this Good News to everyday life, whether we are working, eating, playing, or resting. Jesus' life, death, resurrection, ascension, sending of His Spirit, and His coming return changes everything. And we trust that one day the entire cosmos is ultimately going to be reconciled to God through Christ for eternity. 

In light of this, we remind each other of this Good News in the yearly rhythms of the Christian calendar, as well as in our daily and weekly rhythms. The seasons of Advent-Christmas-Epiphany and Lent-Easter-Pentecost help us to embody the practice each year to look to Christ and His death-defying love and life for our salvation. We anticipate and celebrate how our gracious God comes to us, saves us, and transforms us out to be like Him. And we get to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him and others for the life of the world until He returns to make all things new. 

The mission of God
flows from how we view
God through His covenant & kingdom
relationship with humanity & creation.

God gives us our identity from which our mission flows, and He gives us rest in Him from which our work flourishes. The ultimate mission of the Church has always been the same and will never cease: we are created to love God and enjoy Him forever with each other and all of creation as we multiply His image-bearing throughout the earth. That is why our liturgies during our masses are rooted in recognizing how the Father, Son, and Spirit give us our identity. God gathers and commissions us to be His family of Kingdom servants and witnesses who are set apart for the life of the world during the week. 
God sends the Church to make disciples of Jesus as we see His redemption, reconciliation, and restoration reaching for every corner of the earth. 

The Christian faith is Scripturally
and historically tied together 
to Jesus' historic and global Church.

We uphold the Scriptures 
as our rule of faith 
while also embracing the practices 
and traditions of Jesus' Church 
that can be affirmed 
throughout all of Christian history.

We are so thankful to be rooted 
in the historic, broken, 
yet continuing to mend, 
family tree of Jesus' Church 
with the covenant promises, 
Creeds, and Apostolic faith 
passed down to us.

Rather than taking 
an overly skeptical view of the past, 
we approach how God is speaking 
to us from Scripture, 
then consider the historic tradition 
of our brothers and sisters 
from the past and present 
around the world 
so we gain more understanding 
of everything Jesus has done 
and continues to do 
to unite and build His Church 
throughout the millennia.

This humble posture 
in the midst of our ongoing story 
is a way the historic and global 
family of God 
can continue to teach us 
how to navigate and see clearly 
our specific culture 
we often breathe in unconsciously.

Christian teachings and practices 
throughout the centuries 
help us thoughtfully test 
modern interpretations of Scripture 
that may seem novel 
but ultimately prove lacking 
in connecting us to 
the Story of God 
and the teachings of Jesus that 
are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The goal is for us
to be thoroughly centered and rooted
in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We participate in His life through the verbally proclaimed Word and visibly demonstrated Eucharist together during Sabbath gatherings. And we participate in God’s continuing mission to redeem His people and renew all things in Worcester and beyond 
throughout missional community life during the course of our days. We are the treasured body and bride of Christ who love and worship Jesus, and love and serve each other. We get to rest, reflect, listen, serve, eat, pray and celebrate in our gatherings and our scatterings. These spiritual practices (and more) have endured throughout the ages to help point our hearts towards God’s Kingdom when we try to rush past life without Him. The enduring, trans-generational, and transcultural nature of the Gospel reminds us that Jesus' Church is and always has been a worshiping and missional community throughout time and place.

Christ is all,

Rev. Mike "Sully" Sullivan

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