
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Uganda CON Trip | Sunday, August 2: The Boy on the Road

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

We are here in Uganda. God,  where are You here with us?

The next series of posts are going to be very personal. Each post will include reflections and images from the dates of Sunday, August 2 to Wednesday, August 5 while I was in Lira, Uganda. 

It has taken me a few weeks to gather my thoughts on the impact Uganda and Children of the Nations have had on me. I most likely will continue to gather more throughout the rest of 2015. What a sobering, humbling, undeserved privilege to go across the Atlantic into this country and be with these people made in the image of God and shaped in the image of Jesus. 

This post and the few following posts will barely capture all that I have already received from the beautiful people of this beautiful country in Africa. Don't expect a chronology of events as much as a menagerie of visions and prayers.

The collection of questions and cries I am able to put together will be from what stirred in me initially while I was there. Special thanks for most of the photographs that illuminate these brief thoughts and moments goes to my friend and sister, Andrea Gordon, who was part of the eight-person team from Worcester, and who serves our city with Emmaus City Church. However, special recognition for the photo at the top of this post goes to Carla Lopes from The Journey Community Church who promised to share it with me after we were staring out of a bus window at the same scene.

Thank you for taking the time to glimpse part of this journey with me. I hope it provides you with a vision for what an all powerful God is doing on the other side of the world and what we need an all powerful God to be doing in our hearts. 

Sunday, August 2, 2015 | On the Road to Lira

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Good morning, God. Are You watching over us?

Does Your sight see beyond where light touches and where darkness recedes?

We are here. God, where are You here with us? Be the mighty Emmanuel You are today. 

Father, love us. Jesus lead us. Spirit, fill us. You are great and greatly to be praised.

Why am I here, God? Why did You send me? Please open the eyes of my heart, God. Please bring Your healing presence to Your body in Lira town in time and place today. 

Move through the streets of Entebbe and Kampala and Lira town today. Make us one as You are one. Our bloodline is the bloodline of Christ. Please come now in power and let our chains be broken. Pour out Your Spirit, Jesus, our hearts are open.

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Thank You for the smiles of strangers. Thank You for the beauty of red clay. Thank You for drives down full roads brimming with people who – through You – live, breathe, move, and have their being. 

Thank You for calm walkers who infiltrate traffic with the wisdom of traveling sages. Thank You for the organic flow of movement on the roads where spaces are filled in by a mysterious rhythm that beats to the drum of Uganda's many heart beats.

Thank You for hands that are held with love and for protection. Thank You for eyes that look out windows with curiosity and wonder who the person is in the bus next to them as we both acknowledge each other in this moment, in this time, in this place.

Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).

Lord, what are we to rejoice in today? Where are we to look for the movement of your righteous right hand? Where is Your Spirit moving to and fro across the surface of the earth today?

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Where are You among the cyclists and motorbikes that curve between people and vehicle?

Where are Your servants serving? Jesus, our servant King, who are You interceding for among all these people I see?

Will Your abundant goodness satisfy them on this Lord's day?

For the boy who looks out on his city, will You give him eyes to see You today?

Will he see the beauty of Your creation?

Will he find faith, the assurance of things he hopes for?

Will he find evidence of things unseen?

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Abba, where are You? Papa, where are you?

Father, the image of this boy is seared in my mind. He could not have been more than three. 

His face was focused, taut, scanning the busy street and market for his guardian to come back. Two jugs of oil were lifted off the ground by his small arms. His shirt barely hung on his body with one sleeve clinging to his right arm.

Are You holding on to him, God? Will You keep him safe? Would You do the same for Xavier if he were here now searching the horizon for me? What if we were here and he was waiting for me, each other all we have?

How would my son's eyes look for me?

How do my eyes look for You, God?

What do I have in my hands and where will we go when You come and show me the way? Where will You take us?

But first, are You coming back?

Help me to know how to wait like the boy on the road to Lira town.

Emmaus City Church Worcester MA Soma Acts 29 3DM Christian Reformed Church Transcultural Kingdom Multi-ethnic Network of Missional Communities

Please walk these roads with us, Jesus. May it be in Uganda as it was on the way to Emmaus. 

Learn more about how to

sponsor a child in Uganda through Children of the Nations.

– Sully

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